Budding technicians and engineers at a Uttoxeter high school are learning new skills with state-of-the-art kit thanks to a £5,000 donation from JCB.

Budding technicians and engineers at a Uttoxeter high school are learning new skills with state-of-the-art kit thanks to a £5,000 donation from JCB.

The company’s long association with Thomas Alleyne's School has helped many hundreds of students discover the most modern technology through fun sessions and innovative competitions.

The latest donation has helped buy two more programmable robot systems which students use to enter the robotics competition, ‘LEGO Mindstorms’. Hopes are high this year after a team from Alleyne's reached the national finals of the contest for the last three years with their robot programmed to carry out a sequence of tasks. JCB funds also help to pay for the school’s entry in the Greenpower go-kart competition.

More than 300 GCSE and A level students benefit from the funding, which pays for the upkeep of specialist equipment like MIG and TIG welding. It may also be used to buy a new brazing hearth.

Head of Design and Technology Graeme Quigley said financial pressures meant support from JCB was vital if the school was to maintain the range and quality of education in the subject.

He said: “We were so very pleased when JCB confirmed they were continuing to support us for the current academic year. We couldn't do what we do without them. JCB enables our students to work with state-of-the-art kit, learning practical solutions that are relevant to the world of work. The robots help students learn advanced process input and output by seeing real world applications. JCB has supported the school for many, many years. It helps our students be successful, and through our rolling programme the older ones studying for A level become ambassadors to mentor the year 9 student.”