What are the types of Regen and what should you do?

Automatic Regeneration

When the machine performs the Regeneration process automatically it is called Auto Regen. During this process HEST (high exhaust system temperature) lamp will indicate that Regen is in progress. During Auto Regen the engine noise and Speed may change depending on the load condition.

What should you do: When you see the HEST lamp glowing in the cluster, keep the machine running to facilitate Auto Regen. The HEST lamp will stop glowing once the Regen process is completed. You can work on the machine during the Auto Regen process, but it is advisable to avoid repeat stop and start of the machine.

Manual (Stationary) Regeneration

If Auto Regen does not clean sufficiently or is interrupted repeatedly then Manual Regen has to be performed by the operator. This is indicated by the amber coloured regen tell-tale on the cluster.

What should you do: 

  1. Ensure that the machine is parked in an open and safe area. The parking brake should be engaged, and the gear should be in neutral.
  2. Check that the engine has started. 
  3. Do not operate the machine (Hydraulic Lever, Throttle or Forward/Reverse lever etc) during Manual Regen.
  4. Once the above conditions are set, press the Regen button on the dashboard for 10 seconds. The amber coloured Regen symbol will blink on the cluster to indicate that Manual Regen has started.
  5. If the symbol is not blinking, re- check the above conditions (1-4).
  6. Once Manual Regen starts, the engine RPM will increase to 1500 automatically in Backhoe Loaders, telehandlers, compactors and wheeled loaders. RPM goes up to 1800 in skid steer loader machines.
  7. Once the Manual Regen is completed, the lamp stops glowing and the machine is ready for normal work. The Manual Regen process takes up to 60 minutes for completion.
  8. The process of Manual Regen may vary for different machines. It is advisable to refer to the operator manual for more details.

Service Regeneration: 

Service Regens are performed only by JCB service engineers. Do not attempt to do it yourself. The red colour Regen tell-tale will flash on cluster and machine RPM will not increase from idle. Contact your service engineer for further help.

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